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Thomas Dolby, Victory

I’ve now been to a rock concert. Sort of. It’s strange how someone my age would never have gone to a rock concert. I just don’t like crowds, and never had anyone to go with when I was in High School due to the being a nerd thing. As I got older I just got away from loving rock music, and since getting involved with Michael he’s been introducing me to a whole new world of musical artistry, and we’ve been hitting ambient and electronic concerts for the past few years. In fact, the first non-orchestra concert I ever went to in my life was Steve Roach and vidna Obmana when I was 20.

So the Thomas Dolby concert will probably have to be classified as my first rock concert. I mean, he is rock, right? Even though there is no guitar and he’s got a electronic setup to die for. He certainly leans away from rock and into electronic. I guess it’s hard to say. In any event, I loved it, so it certainly wasn’t some traditional rock concert.

On Friday after work I swung by the Lansdale train station to pick up . We met Michael at home, and the three of us headed up to Ortino’s Northside for dinner where, due to an unfortunately injury a few days ago, couldn’t enjoy a beer with us. D’oh! But it was close and the food was good, so there were no complaints – plus they still had the Oud Beersel Kriek on tap, yum. After dinner we drove out to the Sellersville Theater for Thomas Dolby!

Michael, Lyz, Rich
, ,

We got to the theater around 7:30, found our seats. Michael and I ended up seated in B-1 and B-2, which is in the second row of actual theater seats, there were some tables in front of us as well, we’ll certainly have to work on getting a table seat next time. was up in H-row, having bought his tickets a few days after us.

The theater was packed with an interesting assortment of people, hipsters, normal middle-aged suburbanites, goths, bikers, yuppies and geeks all together for Mr. Thomas Dolby – what a sight! The concert started off with an opening band, Carey Ott, which failed to impress me, they weren’t bad musicians per se, but they are on the pop side and I just don’t enjoy that sort of thing. I was happy when Thomas Dolby finally came out. He started withLeipzig, and after some technical difficulties (and t-shirts thrown at the audience as an apology for the trouble) the concert continued without a hitch. He played an awsome concert, no new songs, but he played some of the classic old ones, I Live in a Suitcase , Windpower, Europa and the Pirate Twins… and of course She Blinded Me With Science. My only complaint is that the show was too short, but I guess I’ve been spoiled by 2-3 hour single artist ambient/electronic concerts.

Thomas Dolby

What a night!

Saturday we spent the day at our last Saturday session of the shaman class. It was rather unstructured and we spent a lot of time chatting about shamanism in general, as well as some Carl Jung style talk about the unconscious mind. The plan is to meet for the last time at our final Wednesday class in a couple weeks and have a sweat lodge. I’m sorry that this class is almost over, it was fantastic, I really learned a lot. I’ll miss the people, and the safe circle we created, but I’m sure I’ll run into most of them at sweat lodges and parties at Jim’s.

After the class we went home and chilled out for a bit. came by around 6 and went out to Victory Brewery. The wait for a table was only about 15 minutes, and once seated we enjoyed a great meal. I went with the Golden Monkey belgian ale of theirs that I love so much (even if it’s 9.5% alcoholness goes right to my head – hah!) and a pepperoni and mushroom pizza. Oh and we tried their Jalapeno Crab Poppers, which were very yummie. is staying in Philly for the Broad Street Run today, it was nice that we were able to work our schedules to meet up.

Today we were planning on going to the Maibock festival at Sly Fox in Phoenixville, but we’ll see how things go. I wouldn’t mind chilling out at home and doing some work in the garden, and Michael’s knee is bothering him (not because of the gym, because of a run on a hilly road near our house recently).

Speaking of the gym, I’m now officially one of those geeks with a gym membership. Michael went to the gym on Thursday to “see how much it would be to add me” and signed me up right there. I haven’t been yet, didn’t want to go Friday morning since I’d be too tired for the Dolby concert by the evening, so the plan is to go for my first time early Monday morning.