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The last time I went to the dentist was in the spring of 1999. I don’t like dentists and I wasn’t insured during most of the time between then and now. Honestly I was worried that I’d fork out the cash for a checkup visit only to learn how terrible my teeth were and have to pay for tons of work that I couldn’t afford. What I don’t know can’t hurt me!

But now that I am paying for dental insurance I realized I really should go. Oh and one of my wisdom teeth decided to show itself a couple weeks ago.

My appointment was this morning.

Did I mention I don’t like dentists? Does anyone like dentists?

Lucky for me, I have fantastic teeth and I take good care of them. I never had a cavity while growing up, and the results from this dental visit were pretty positive:

– 2 small cavities in the back, to be filled Wednesday morning in a quick visit (woohoo my first cavities! …er)
– The X-Rays of my wisdom teeth look great, they’re coming in fine and I have enough room in my big mouth (!) to accommodate them for the forseeable future
– I need to floss more (yeah yeah yeah I know…)

Alright, so it wasn’t that bad, but I’ll be doing the regular dentist visit thing from now on.