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Flowers, weather and my mom

It wasn’t the best week I’ve ever had. Lots of work + excessive heat == not in the mood to get near my computer when I got home at night. Michael just left for the gym and I told him I needed to stay home and be alone for a while.

Not all was bad though, Michael sent me purple flowers on Friday, glee!

Purple flowers from Michael
Photo doesn’t do them much justice, these are very pretty, very purple flowers <3

When the receptionist brought the flowers in to me I must have looked at her funny because I expected her to walk past my desk and it took me a few moments to realize that she was handing the flowers to me. It really made my week, with fiscal month I was pretty worn out and the flowers made all the difference.

It was hot this week. One of the things I hate most in the world is hot weather, and when it’s hovering around a high of 90 degrees with 80% humidity for 3 days in May I start seriously looking for real estate in cooler areas again.

There is air conditioning at work, at the gym and in my car, so I pretty much spent my days jumping between them. Home was more difficult, we ordered pizza one night, went to Sly Fox another, and managed to make dinner to enjoy at home the other two nights that were bad. Michael (my hero!) installed the window unit air conditioners in the computer room and our bedroom early this week, so we could camp out in those places. One night we ended up taking Michael’s laptop into the bedroom and watching some movies on it in there rather than toughing it out in the heat of the TV room. The forecast going forward is in the 70s, quite a relief.

There was a terrible thunderstorm Thursday night. We lost power for over 2 hours in the evening and a couple times during the night. On my way to work from the gym on Friday morning a light was out at Broad Street and 463 in Landsale, a pretty major intersection that had some temporary stop signs up to handle traffic. Apparently all the traffic and power outage problems that morning made it so the police were too busy to deal with the intersection further, but there was plenty of honking and a woman who wasn’t paying attention almost hit me (thank goodness I was so awake from working out!). People seriously need to learn how to use stop signs.

And so started out my Friday morning. It was a long day, I worked until a little after 6, when my boss said we’d probably acomplished all we were going to acomplish and sent most of us home. Thanks to the emotional lift I got from the flower delivery I was actually willing to work later, but perfectly happy to go home.

To top off my week, my mother called me last night. Two days ago she fell about 16 feet from a dam where her and her boyfriend were fishing. She had to go to the emergency room and came out with a broken left hand and elbow, twisted ankle, some knee trouble and a pretty significant gash on her leg. She’s now in a soft cast for her hand that goes halfway up her arm to also stabilize the elbow (which they said they can’t do much about but hope that stabilizing makes the minor fracture heal itself). We’ll see in about a week if she will need surgery to put a pin in her hand. She’s out of work at least until she can walk without help. In all, it’s a pretty crappy situation for her, but she admitted that she’s been working too hard lately and needed some time off, she just wishes God had given her a break in some less literal way. I hope she heals quickly, it’s a lousy situation and I’m sure she’s in a lot of pain %\