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4th of July

I had a nice day yesterday.

Michael headed to the gym in the morning and I stayed home because 1) there were a zillion things I wanted to get done around the house and had been too lazy/hot to do all weekend 2) my gym clothes were dirty

So I spent the morning cleaning the house. I got to more of it than I expected considering the heat and then spent the early afternoon hiding in the air-conditioned computer room trying to keep cool while Michael made some food for our afternoon activities. Unfortunately our internet connection has been terrible lately (anyone I’m with on IRC with probably knows this!) and I spent more time doing writing than actually doing stuff online. We’re going to need to call Verizon and get them to look at our line, even the land line phone itself is starting to sound bad.

We headed over to the Malvern Sweat Lodge around 1:30 for a get-together Jim was having there. I had a nice time, lots of food, plenty of people I knew to talk to. We attended a sweat in the late afternoon, the first two rounds were for kids and I came in for the second two, more tough, rounds. Then there was the final round, a “warrior round” that was not led by Jim (he was too hot by then) but rather this other fellow who reminded me more of a Baptist preacher than a Native American shaman. Now there is nothing wrong with being excitable like a Baptist preacher, but because of the association it just doesn’t sit well with me, and their type of excitement has never been terribly appealing to me anyway. I made it through about 5 minutes of it before I had to get out because he made it so hot and I couldn’t breathe.

After the lodge I swam in the pool for a while. I don’t want a pool of my own right now, but someday when I am rich and have a castle and someone to take care of it for me – absolutely. I’d be in the pool all day.

We had some BBQ and left Jim’s around 7. I was pretty tired when I got home, sweat lodges do that to me. We watched some TV and went to bed.

I wish this morning had been similarly good. As I was packing up my gym bag this morning I realized that my purse was still in Michael’s car. Luckily I had my car keys so I could actually get to the gym and work but I didn’t have my pass to get in the work building this morning (had to call a co-worker to let me in). Michael had to take time out of his crazy busy day to drop off my purse to me at work. At the gym the hair driers were missing – when I asked at the front desk about them the woman said “They haven’t fixed those yet?! I’m so sorry!” AND THEN I got into work and learned that one of my favorite people here at work put in her notice. #$@$U#)9(D!! Actually I’m happy for her, but it’s sad to see her go.

Happy Monday – er – Wednesday! Oh goodie it’s already Wednesday!