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Clerks II

was right, Clerks II is funny.

As we all know, Michael and I don’t go to the movie theater much because we don’t like them. But last night I was feeling burnt out from another 9+ hour day at work and I wanted to watch something funny. There was nothing saved on the MythTV box that was sparking my interest, so somehow in the evening I happened to mention that I’d heard Clerks II was funny.

“Let’s go see it,” says Michael.

So we drove down to Oaks and caught a 7:45 showing. It actually wasn’t a horrible experience – didn’t get run over by and children wearing roller skate shoes, didn’t get harassed by women selling credit cards, didn’t have anyone near us talking through the whole movie. And the movie did its job in cheering me up. We managed to get home by around 10 so we could get to sleep at a reasonable time, like the old people that we are.

I’m having a long week (lots of those lately…), I’m so glad it’s Thursday.