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floris framboiseI love lambics, especially in the summertime. So when Michael came home one evening last week and informed me that they Ortinos Northside had in stock some of the Floris lambics made by Delirium (who makes one of my favorite beers, Delirium Tremens) I was excited. Delirium makes lambics?! AHHH!! YAY!

From Delirium.be:

In 1993, the production of fruit-beers of the “Floris” range was started. It contains, for example, beers made from cherries, raspberries or apples.

They’ve been making them for quite some time and I never knew!

list of Delirium beers, scroll down for all the lambics. They have LOTS!

So on Saturday night we met up with Bob and hit Northside. The ones they had in stock were the raspberry and apple. The raspberry was a bit less sweet than the Lindemans lambic, but certainly on the sweet side as far as raspberry lambics go. I generally prefer my raspberry lambic to have some bite, but I enjoyed this one. The apple was good and sweet for the first half of the bottle, but the second half made me rethink my evaluation, it was too sweet, I had trouble finishing it.

I hope they get more in. I’d love to try the cherry sometime.