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Michael’s Birthday! (and PLUG)

It’s Michael’s birthday today.


Last night he ended up working quite late and I decided to head down to the PLUG meeting with . The presentation at the meeting was about InfiniBand. I wasn’t familiar with the technology and so the talk, giving an overview of the history of the technology and its capabilities, was nice. The turnout for the meeting was relatively small, maybe 20 people, but I guess that’s how it gets in the summer.

After the meeting I got to finally meet , who lives doesn’t live too far from where the PLUG meetings are held. We all headed down the street to The Best House to get some pizza and beer. I stuck with a ginger ale and couple slices of pizza, no caffeine and no alcohol! We spent until about 10:30 talking about our latest projects.

On my way home I got to listen to Echoes on XPN, it was a nice end to my day.

Oh and Verizon is coming out Saturday to check out our phone line. Hopefully it’ll be something that can be fixed relatively quickly and my internet connection will get better, right now it’s getting worse each day.