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I keep blabbering about how much I love listening to podcasts at work, I’m so much happier now. Below is a list of what I am enjoying these days:

Speaking of Faith
Security Now
This Week in Tech
Planetary Radio
Quirks and Quarks (great archives in mp3 format too!)
Escapepod (Science fiction short stories)
Penn Radio
Science Magazine Podcast

Most of these I got via recommendations from people (thanks again!). Sorry , I know you love the SubGenius Hour of Slack but the whole “Church of the SubGenius” is not my thing.

I also regularly listen live to the stream for WHYY that has good programs throughout the day. But I’m listening to it less than I used to, there is so much political blabber that is annoying me (I mostly can’t stand Talk of the Nation these days unless it’s Science Friday). And when I’m in the mood for music I tap into the library of ripped music on my computer or hook up to the stream for XPN.

So, anyone have other recommendations?