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To be FiOSed!

Sunday afternoon we ended up at Michael’s brother’s house for a BBQ celebration following the Christening of Michael’s niece. We had a nice time in spite of the heat. When the heat got too bad we went inside where there was AC and the overtime bit of the final game of the World Cup. I was in a house full of Michael’s Italian family – who do you think we were rooting for?

As Michael posted the fun news for us this week is that we’re getting FiOS put in next week. Perhaps as an omen, our DCA.net connection went out last night – along with what they claim is ALL DCA.net ADSL customers:

We are currently experiencing a problem with the Verizon ADSL platform. This affects all DCANet/Verizon ADSL endusers. DCANet engineers are on site and investigating the cause. We believe it is a problem with Verizon's ATM network. We will follow up with more information as soon as it is available.

UPDATE: Verizon has located the problem at the CO and is dispatching to DCANet's 1016 Delaware Ave. data center. We hope to have this resolved here in the early morning.

UPDATE: Verizon has confirmed that it is a fiber cut and they are working out in the street to repair the problem.

Ouch. This is especially unfortunate because Michael needs that internet connection to work from home, he’s stuck working at the office until it’s fixed. And all our sites are down until this is fixed, when Michael called this morning they were hoping to have the repairs completed by tonight.

Mmmm, I’m now enjoying a yummie roast beef and brie sandwich on fresh baked rosemary bread that Michael made me for lunch.