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Baseball and closed gyms

Michael and I went with some of his family members to a Reading Phillies game last night. Game recap here, they won 4-1.

I’m not much of a sports person, as if that’s not obvious. In fact, this is only the second baseball game I’ve ever been to in my life. The first was when I was a teenager, I went to a Portland (Maine) SeaDogs game, which they lost. But the weather last night was beautiful and I wasn’t about to give up free tickets to an outdoor event. It’s pretty amazing how those high powered lights can make the whole stadium look like it is still daylight out, after remarking on this Michael said that we really should hit a Philadelphia Phillies game sometime, since their stadium is HUGE and very impressive. The company I work for often has free tickets in their own box at that stadium, I might try to snag a couple next time an email goes out giving some away.

The game itself was just a baseball game. I enjoyed myself, didn’t eat too much terrible food (just some French Fries and Twizzlers), and soaked in the cool weather. There certainly were a lot of advertisements peppered throughout the entire production and little side games for spectators to keep people interested, they threw a lot of stuff into the stands for people to catch too. I guess this sort of thing is just part of baseball today, and certainly did its job keeping people excited about the game, even if there still was a bunch of people leaving after the 7th inning (a Reading win was pretty obvious by that point).

We got home around 10:30PM. I actually managed to get out of bed on time this morning so I could get to the gym shortly after 6AM. Unfortunately when I got there the parking lot was almost empty, there were a few people milling around the doorway. I got out of my car as a couple women were walking toward their own cars.

“It’s closed. We’ve been here since 5:30 – nothing! We give up!”

How annoying! I am wearing my gym clothes! I need to shower and dress for work! I dragged myself out of bed to get to the gym this morning and they are CLOSED! ARRGG!!

So I sat in my car and read a book that I had stuffed in my gym bag (thank goodness) until someone finally came in at 7AM to open the gym. 7AM? Sigh. They didn’t even bother swiping people’s cards as we came in, there were about 20 people waiting and they “had to wait for the computers to come up” which apparently takes 10 minutes or something. I did manage to get on the elliptical for 20 minutes and the machines for another 20 or so, but I really didn’t do enough, I’ll have to go back tomorrow morning. What a waste of my morning. I’ve been drafting a letter to the gym in my head all morning about how pissed I am, we pay a decent amount of money for a gym that will be open when they say they will be, and the gym is not on my way to work, gas isn’t cheap. I know, I know, this is just once, there was probably some emergency and the person who opens it couldn’t come in, blah blah blah. It just threw off my whole morning.