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Day off

I am really liking Bloglines. I now have my account set up with about a few blogs feeding into it. I also discovered that I can use it to keep track of podcasts, previously I was just opening up the raw XML and digging out the mp3s – obviously using some sort of front end that can parse the xml for me AND tell me which ones I haven’t listened to is a much easier way to do it.

There’s even a bloglines feature to make your blogroll public, which I did. I’ll probably be adding a bunch more when I remember/come across other blogs that are out there that I want to read. Oh and if you once told me that you had your own blog on your website but aren’t on my list – remind me!

I took the day off from work today. Work has been really burning me out lately and I needed to take a day to just chill out and get some errands done. I spent the morning quite productively.

  • Cleaned out the Rav4 – I keep my car very neat, but it needed a visit with a vacuum and some Windex
  • Paid bills
  • Went to the driver’s license place in Harleysville to get my new license
  • Took the Rav4 to the car wash
  • Stopped by the pharmacy to pick up a prescription
  • Folded laundry
  • Did dishes

My new driver’s license picture is not too bad:

DL Pic

There was a security guard at the DMV facility where I got my photo taken whose job it was to tell people coming in to take a number and have a seat. After my photo was taken I heard snoring, he’d fallen asleep in his chair. Nice.

The rest of the day has been spent with little things. I’m cleaning up the home directory on my primary desktop – fun fun. I’d let it get a bit out of hand and it was up to 20 gigs when it really only should have had about 12 gigs of real stuff. I’ve slimmed it down even further now, hopefully I’ll be able to get it under 5 so we can automate regular backups again without it taking forever.