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Free movies (and some wedding notes)

Last night Michael and I watched Night of the Living Dead (1968). I downloaded it from Archive.org’s directory of feature films – a resource that I found via Romana’s blog entry mentioning it. This is a really great site. Lots of old classics that I haven’t seen are available for streaming or direct download, Night of the Living Dead was available for direct download in three quality levels:

64Kb MPEG4 (109 MB)
256Kb MPEG4 (247 MB)
MPEG2 (4.1 GB)

I grabbed the 247 MB one, the quality was pretty decent, but I still might grab the 4.1 GB one and re-encode it. The download speed was decent too, last night I was grabbing the movies at between 150-200 KBPS.

Mostly I’m looking forward to going through their horror films. I love watching old horror movies around Halloween, and since getting rid of cable I’ve really missed this yearly tradition. Now I can do it again! Hurrah! Although I think we might skip hosting a Halloween party with friends this year, with the whole wedding thing happening the weekend before.

Speaking of the wedding, we’ve made some progress with plans and things.

We need to send out the invitations, finish buying wedding clothes (this is stressing me out a bit, we REALLY need to get this done ASAP so alterations can be made if needed), pick/write our vows and tend to other details of the ceremony itself. Still, I’m pleased with where we are right now in planning, I haven’t freaked out too much about anything yet.