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Germs, Death and Rain

Ah month end. I’m sitting here on my lunch break writing this, taking a break from the mountains of paperwork I have on my desk. It’s been the roughest month end I’ve experienced here to date. We’re still short-staffed, I’ve been working at least 9 hours per day all week – which will be nice when I get that overtime pay, but is just making me tired right now.

Wednesday morning I woke up at 5:30 with a stomach ache – a very bad stomach ache, it hurt to move. I spent a couple hours going back and forth from my bed to the bathroom. Finally around 8AM I woke up and moved, and my stomach didn’t hurt! So got showered and dressed and went to work late. Upon arriving at work all I heard was “Is it morning sickness? *giggle*” and then “Oh yeah, there is a stomach bug going around, I had it, $co-worker had it, $co-worker2 had it, the worst of it only lasts for a few hours but boy does it HURT!” The new hire seems to have caught it now, she came into work late this morning (imagine our relief when we got the call from her, she didn’t quit, she’s just sick – phew!).

Last night, after a 10 1/2 hour day at work, Michael made a delicious dinner of breaded chicken and mushroom ravioli, which I greatly enjoyed. I then took a nice long bath. Around 8 I plopped in front of the newly installed Mythbox and watched a couple episodes of Dead Like Me with Michael. One of the temps that was working here recommended it after she saw it on SciFi and so I grabbed a torrent of the first season. It’s not a bad show. It is sad and funny, very reflective and introspective about death without getting preachy (quite a feat). The apathy of the main character gets on my nerves sometimes. Some episodes we’ve watched have dragged, but there have been some great ones too. I went to bed around 10.

I got myself out of bed at 5 this morning to get to the gym before work. The weather has cooled down significantly from the height of the summer heat, which has made going to the gym so much easier. No more humidity! No more sweating before getting to the gym!

The remnants of hurricane Ernesto are scheduled to hit us this afternoon, I didn’t pay much attention to the forecast until I got to work and everyone was talking about it, so of course I didn’t bring my raincoat. It’s going to be a soggy weekend. I am not too broken-hearted about it, the only plans we have are attending a wedding reception for one of Michael’s co-workers and that’s an indoor event. My sister is getting married this weekend too (!!!) but the forecast for where she is in Alberta is calling for sunny weather all weekend.