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Misc, and I have pink tissues

I have ruined oatmeal. I started bringing a box of instant oatmeal packets to work about a year ago, a quick and yummy breakfast I could prepare here at work with just some hot water. But now I’ve started to associate this yummy cinnamon apple oatmeal taste with work. It hasn’t been a terribly appealing thing to eat these past few weeks. Not wanting oatmeal is not good, if I don’t want to eat the oatmeal I’m more tempted to stop and get a bagel. I need to find a new, healthy breakfast food.

Last night I purchased the plane tickets to Phoenix for our honeymoon. I didn’t just jump on the cheapest ones available because the departure times just wouldn’t work for us. I wanted as much time in Arizona on Monday as possible without having to leave Philadelphia at *too much* of an insane hour. And I wanted the flight out of Phoenix to be reasonably late in the morning – to allow for 4 hours of getting to the airport, check-in, strip-searches, and whatever else you need to do to get on a plane – but I didn’t want to get back to Philadelphia too late in the evening, considering the time difference and all. Unfortunately meeting with Phoenix folks won’t be an option this time because of the logistics of it all, but after all I’ve heard about Arizona I’m sure this won’t be our only trip out that way :)

I also reserved a rental car for the week.

I didn’t sleep well last night. I was too wound up for some reason and then my allergies started acting up. I don’t remember having allergies this bad before, I’m probably going to have to drag myself to the doctor next year if it’s this bad again. I actually tried some over-the-counter Tylenol Sinus medicine last week at the advice of a co-worker (who was quite concerned about how sniffly and sneezy I was). It’s daytime formula, but still made me feel a bit spacey and didn’t as much as I would have liked. Someday I’ll find an allergy medication that works in the day and doesn’t put me into a coma!

On the plus side, I have bright pink tissues.