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My sister got married! and miscellany

My little sister Heather got married yesterday!

I spoke with her last night, she was attending her reception held at her in-laws house. There were a few snags in the day (including a bit of a snafu with the cake) but she seemed happy and ready to leave the family behind to get going on their honeymoon. They’re going camping in the mountains for a couple weeks, and rounding off their trip by going shopping and browsing at the West Edmonton Mall, which includes a water park, amusement park, over 800 stores, a couple hotels… I’m sure she’ll have a great time.

I don’t have pictures yet, she gave my mother a digital camera during the ceremony to take pictures, and they did the disposable camera thing for guests. I’ll put a bunch of them up on my website when she sends them to me in a few weeks.

…and I’ve never met her husband Randy. In fact, I didn’t even know his last name. It seems very strange that I didn’t know his last name, and I’m sure it gave the impression that we are really out of touch. We’re not, we talk often! But trivial things like last names sometimes don’t make it through. His last name is Day, so now she’s Heather Day. That’s a nice name, and certainly easier to spell and pronounce than Krumbach (well, I don’t think Krumbach is difficult, but it’s amazing how people can mess it up).

I’m so happy for her %D

I updated my Debian MPlayer How-To yesterday for MPlayer v1.0pre8. I’ve been meaning to do that since pre8 came out back in June, and I’ve gotten about a half dozen email in the past month asking when/if I was going to update it. I ran into one problem when compiling, which made me feel quite silly, especially after google couldn’t help me and I had to find the missing .h file myself ;) MPlayer v1.0pre8 is nice, I’m glad I made the upgrade, the first noticable difference was while encoding an .avi for a fellow who emailed me about his trouble with it in pre7, an upgrade to pre8 made a significant difference in quality.

I also set up a Bloglines account yesterday. I know a bunch of people who have blogs that I don’t read just because they’re not on LiveJournal or Xanga. I used to have rss2email set up but then sort of neglected that and it died a quiet death. I’m hoping that by putting all the stuff into Bloglines I’ll finally keep up with it. And it’s the best online reader I’ve found out there, I never could get used to the interface of Google Reader.

And finally, I’ve been in a bit of a crankie mood. I noticed it last night when I was reinstalling XP Home onto my computer (no, I don’t actually use it! We like having XP installed somewhere at home, and my desktop is the only one fast enough and available for the purpose). Windows always puts me in a foul mood, but this was worse than usual. Then grub didn’t want to play nicely and I just got pissed off. Michael is helping me restore the whole system (read: doing it all himself and explaining to me what he’s doing, I get -100 geek points, SEE I’M NOT REALLY SO SMART WITH COMPUTERS</insecurities>).

This morning I made blueberry pancakes, that helped my mood some. Hooray for oodles of natural sugar! But my allergies have been driving me nuts for the past week, not fun.

We have some plans for later today (Labor Day in the US, no work!), but for now I’m just chilling out here with Caligula.