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“Don’t take this the wrong way… but you look really good in a witch hat” – a co-worker.

I dressed up as a witch this year and came into work. Another woman in the office has a monster mask, but accounting is not so easy when vision is obstructed by such a thing, she only wore it for a little while this morning.

I love Halloween. We don’t actually have any plans for tonight though, and with because we came back from the honeymoon late Saturday and were busy all Sunday we didn’t get a chance to go to any of the local parties. Bummer.

We never did get around to carving our pumpkins this year either, which makes this the first year since Michael and I have spent halloween together that we haven’t carved pumpkins. I figure getting married and going on a honeymoon is a fine excuse though, we’ll get back into the tradition next year.

This morning I stopped at the new Starbucks in Lansdale. It’s a nice one, on my way to work, and has a very easy parkinglot to get in and out of – oh this is going to be dangerous! Mmmm white chocolate mocha.

The other new thing in the area that I’m excited about is a new L.L. Bean retail store! Nita told me about this a couple weeks ago, it’s only 45 minutes from home! I love L.L. Bean and buy a majority of my clothes there, saving up a few hundred bucks every time we head up to Maine to do some shopping. Hopefully I can make it to the new store within the next couple weeks.

Last night I made a couple calls to family. I’ve been in touch with my father’s side of the family over the past year or so, but really had fallen out of touch with my mother’s side. No particular reason really, we just haven’t had time to connect. I called my grandparent’s first to let them know I had gotten married, they were very happy for us (they LOVE Michael). I then gave my aunt Elaine a call, who I’d lived with a few times in Philadelphia and Rochester, it is unfortunate that we don’t get to talk more often, but each time we do we pick up from where we left off, it’s so nice. I also tried to call my mother but she wasn’t around, I haven’t spoken to her since before the wedding.

The wedding… Since I’m married now I’m starting to work through the paperwork to get my name legally changed, which is an interesting task. I’ll also need to get working on getting myself on Google as Elizabeth Bevilacqua rather than Elizabeth Krumbach ;)

Oh and I’m catching up with blogs. I haven’t had time/want to really be online in about 2 weeks, so I have quite the backlog.