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Lehigh Valley Brewfest 2006

Lehigh Valley Brewfest

It was a soggy day yesterday, but not enough to hinder fun at a brewfest. The drive up to Easton took a little over an hour. We were lucky to get there early enough to park in the parking lot across the street from the little park where the festival was held, woohoo!

We met up with Bob and John, both of whom used to work with Michael.

John, Bob, Lyz
John, Bob, and Lyz on the PA side of the Delaware River

Michael, who played cameraman for the day

Most of the festival took place inside a big tent they had up – but it wasn’t nearly big enough. The first hour or so was OK and we could get to the beer tables without too much trouble, but then it just got so crowded you could hardly move. I’m not the best with crowds (it’s a good thing we were drinking! Hah!) so I wasn’t too pleased with how crowded it got.

I was a bit disappointed at the food offering too, pretty much everything they had was spicy and overpriced. Who thinks spicy food is good at a beer tasting? Not I! I want to taste the beer, and spicy food just ruins that.

The highlights of the day for me ended up being:

River Horse Table
Riverhorse table

River Horse – They aren’t one of those microbreweries like Victory or Sly Fox whose beers are all outstanding, but River Horse does have two that I really like – the HOP hAZARD PALE ALE and one of my favorite Belgian style winter ales, the BELGIAN fROSTBITE WINTER ALE. Guess which two they were serving? THOSE! It was great to introduce John to the Frostbite, and even better that he enjoyed it ;)

Cricket Hill – I had their Hopnotic IPA on tap last week at Ortino’s Northside and wasn’t too impressed, but I tried it again at this festival and both Bob and I were forced to revise our opinion of the brew. I think freshness really matters with this one. Plus, their mascot is a silly cricket and Michael picked me up a pint glass with the logo – woo!

Weyerbacher – I finally got to try their Double Simcoe IPA! Yum!

And of course our favorites were there, Victory, Sly Fox

We left the festival around 3 and took 611 home, stopping to pick up a pizza to enjoy for a quiet evening in.

Michael has the rest of the photos from the day posted here.