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Make mine hoppy!

I decided to make pillows for our wedding rings in our ceremony. I had grand ideas of lace and things, but in the end I came to the realization that I need to be practical with my limited sewing abilities and just went with simple.

Now square pillows are one of the easiest things on the planet to make, so I didn’t have any problems with them, but while cutting out the fabric for them I wondered – should we make even these pillows meaningful somehow by filling them with some sort of herb? Yeah!

So I spoke with Michael, we thought about all sorts of things, and then settled on a meaningful and lovely smelling plant – Cascade Hops.

Don’t laugh! Hops don’t smell like malt or beer, they have a strong smell just like any herb, and are often used in Dream Pillows“Hops: restful sleep and healing.”

So we headed out to the beer supply store on Sunday (we needed to get some priming sugar and labels for the wedding beer bottles anyway) and picked up some cascade hops. We also swung by Michaels Arts and Crafts store to pick up some fluff to suppliment the hops.

All in all, I am quite pleased with the result:

hoppy pillows

They really smell like hops. Perhaps 4oz per 8×8 inch pillow was a bit much.