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New name and getting ready for Philcon

I got my new social security card yesterday, the government now knows I’m Elizabeth Bevilacqua. This morning I went into HR with my new card to get my name changed with work stuff. I then updated my voicemail and made sure all the proper work orders were put in to update my email and everything. Now that I have the card I can also move forward with all the other things in my life I need to change my name on, hopefully it’ll all be squared away by the end of the year. I spent a little time this morning making new little “business cards” that I like to give out to people I meet and want to swap contact info with (something I was inspired to do after meeting people at beer events – at the end of the night all you have are beer-stained napkins to swap contact info on, hah!)

This evening I’m meeting up with Nita to head down to Philcon. We managed to get a hotel room in the hotel where the convention is being held, yay! So we’ll be able to attend all the crazy late night events we want to without having to worry about agreeing when to head back to Conshe each night to crash. I can sleep when I want to!

It should be a fun weekend. And surprisingly only the second time since Michael and I moved in together that we’ve been separated for more than 24 hours. The last time was over three years back when I flew up to New England to visit family and Michael couldn’t time off because he had just started a new job.

Oh and the internet connectivity situation at the hotel is still unclear. suggested there might be some free hotspots in the area if I really needed to get online for some reason, and you can pay something like $10/night extra per night for wireless internet access. I can probably survive the weekend without it ;) There is free cable in the hotel room and that will probably be sufficient to entertain me during down time. But I’ll bring my laptop along so I can at least do some writing while I’m there if I feel compelled.