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The past few days

Wednesday – Normal day, worked and stuff, was feeling a bit achy

Thursday – SICK! A slight fever and a flu-thing kept me up most of Wednesday night and I stayed home from work. Headache was too bad to do more than to email Michael to tell him I was staying home, call my boss, sleep and zone out in front of the TV.

Friday – Feeling crappy in the morning but went to work because I didn’t have a fever. Noonish I was feeling better, by the time I came home I was just feeling tired. Had dinner and relaxed with Michael until we got a call from Constance and David asking if we wanted to go out to Ortinos Northside. We got there around 7:45 and the parking lot was packed, turns out they were having a Troegs Mad Elf tasting – 2004, 2005 and 2006 Mad Elf on tap. We waited about a half hour for a table, where it came out that we’d actually met Constance before, at and housewarming party – we didn’t remember each other, but it came up in conversation that we knew them and knew and the last time we’d seen him was at the party. We enjoyed the Mad Elf night, they didn’t do samplers so we were forced to order a full glass of each Elf ale. While all good, the 2004 won at our table for the best, it ages very well. Around midnight we called it a night and headed home.

Saturday – It was a beautiful day out, in the low 70s, sunny. We decided to take the opportunity to get some seasonal work done outside. We got all the icicle lights hung around the house, which was not a small task, Michael spent some time climbing on the roof. Later in the afternoon I went out to run some errands (which included picking up a couple Red Gouramis for the fishtank!) and Michael cleaned out the gutters. In the evening we enjoyed a couple beers and watched the first DVD of Arrested Development (which neither of us had seen, but had heard so many good things about) and then a horrible SciFi movie called H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds (I was in the mood for horrible scifi).

Sunday – The weather took a turn for the worse, it was pretty gloomy out today! But that was fine, I spent the morning backing up onto CD a lot of photos I had sitting around on my desktop, going back a few years. I then backed up all the stuff on the Debian side of my harddrive (a whole 5 gigs) and decided to install Xubuntu – but that’s a story for another post. This evening the plan is to chill out by the fireplace with our laptops, a beer and a pot roast dinner which has been cooking in the crock pot all day and smelling delicious!

What a nice weekend.