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The Wedding!


We got the CD of photos back last night and I spent time after I got home from work and this morning putting together a website about the whole ceremony:

The Wedding of Elizabeth & Michael

The pictures came out beautifully, I’m really impressed.

I haven’t really talked much about the day, I guess I was letting it all soak in. Now is a good time.

First off, thanks to everyone for all the well-wishes, it really means a lot to come back as a married couple to such great friends!

Saturday morning Michael and Bob left early. I went to the bakery to pick up the carrot cake – which was just a plain carrot cake, no nuts or designs, just basic nice frosting job. Then I swung by the florist in Hennings to pick up my half dozen yellow roses, which looked very nice. Mike and Nita showed up around 11 and we headed out to Maryland.

The drive out there was fun, I enjoy spending time with the two of them. And Nita has a GPS that she brought along to show us our route, while it didn’t do very well in Maryland (“Hahaha we’re not even on a road!”), it was a really great little thing for in PA. I was drooling over it for the whole ride… a Christmas present this year perhaps?

We arrived at The Castle at 4PM, greeted by several people who had already arrived. Tony and Judi (caretakers of The Castle) set out some wine, cheese and crackers for our arrival – what a treat! It was some good wine too.

Around 5:30 we packed everyone (except Juliana, who was a bit lost and said she’d meet us at the restaurant) into 3 cars and headed out to the Savage River Lodge for dinner.

The Savage River Lodge was all that I remembered it to be, delicious with a fantastic wine selection! We ordered a couple bottles of wine and enjoyed our meal. The she-crab bisque that I had was amazing, and the sesame crusted scallops I had for an entree were very good. I wish I’d had room for dessert, a few people got some nice looking treats.

After dinner we went back to The Castle and opened some wedding gifts that people had brought while drinking some wine. Oh and Nita totally beat my ass in chess. I should play chess more often so I don’t lose so horribly next time ;D

I didn’t sleep the greatest that night, but the bed sure was comfortable!

In the morning we enjoyed a fantastic breakfast put together by Tony – a fruit and cream pastry, heart-shaped pancakes. I didn’t have any trouble eating all of it, it was good! But the hostess laughed and explained that they have a hard time getting most brides to eat anything, let alone eat everything like I did. Hah! I really wasn’t nervous about the wedding. Neither of us were really nervous, which seemed to surprise everyone, including ourselves. I think we were so comfortable with The Castle, having stayed their twice in the past, and so comfortable with the ceremony itself and each other that it all felt natural.

And the rest is history.

You mean it all went perfectly? More perfectly than I could imagine! OK, there were a couple little hangups (like not planning the cake thing afterwards – we need a cake plate! We need a knife! Oops no one has anything to drink!) but any event runs into such tiny problems that don’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things.

I wasn’t much for buying into the whole “It’s the best day of your life” thing, and didn’t psyche myself out about it. But it absolutely was one of the best days of my life, looking at the pictures makes me so happy! What a day!