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abcde + lame setup

Just posting this as some notes as to getting abcde and lame setup on my machines.



# Paths of programs to use

# MP3:
LAMEOPTS="--preset extreme --vbr-new --nohist -q 0 -V 0 -m s"

(options taken from the brain of Mischa, who regularly does releases for #gamemusic)

launch abcde: abcde -o mp3

I set this up on two of my machines, my primary desktop and the HP P3, both of them have been ripping this afternoon. Why? Because once upon a time we thought we thought it was a good idea to rip all our music as oggs to avoid all the patent issues and whatever with mp3s. Then we got mp3 players that don’t play oggs (we knew they didn’t play oggs, ogg playing mp3 players are rare and expensive!). Now we need mp3s, and our music better organized.

This is going to take weeks!