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Ubuntu-Women IRC Meetup Today

Just a note to continue spreading the word about the Ubuntu-Women IRC Meetup day today.

The Ubuntu-Women group will be having a meetup in IRC in #Ubuntu-Women on irc.freenode.net on Thursday January 11, 2007 and into Friday the 12th.

Two specific times set aside to try to accommodate different timezones and be a starting point:

* 15:00 UTC (3 PM London) Group 1
* 03:00 UTC, Friday, 12 January 2007 (3 AM London)

Check out timeanddate.com to find your local time

Proposed topics:

* Introductions/Interests
* What is out there already/Where to find resources
* HCI Group
* Education Group
* Mentoring
* A How-To Tutorial (any volunteers?)

Please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWomenIRCMeetup for more information.

I’ll be at work during the first session, so I won’t be able to make it. But the 10PM EST session tonight I’ll be there for. Feel free to drop by any time today even if you’ve never been involved with Ubuntu-Women, even if you just want to support us (or me) with your presence.