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Finding beer, food and setting up our new TV room

I’ve been working from home for a week now, which was a welcome break from the usual commuting routine. I can’t begin to describe how great it is to work from home. I think a lot of it has to do with comfort level, I’m more productive when I’m comfortable and sitting at my own computer. Michael also pointed out that we’re both the type of people who prefer to work alone, I’m not going to get lonely without an office full of co-workers. Plus, not driving for 1-2 hours each day frees up that time for much needed R&R – which this week translated into more time playing with the kitties.

Oh and not having to commute in the snow is cool too. Both Michael and I worked from home most of last week, his Civic wasn’t dug out of the snow until Saturday.

For Valentine’s Day we braved the cold and snowy weather to drive the 5 miles into Skippack for dinner at the Parc Bistro. I love that place. Since neither of us had a commute, we had 5:30 reservations so we could get in early and really enjoy the evening. I started out the evening with a a Peach Martini (gosh I’m a sucker for these fruity martinis) and Michael ordered a bottle of Kris Pinot Grigio. We then ordered an appetizer of cheesy risotto with oysters – AMAZING! For an entree Michael went with their Charred 10oz. Filet Mignon – with truffled cognac sauce, foie gras butter, grilled asparagus and whipped yukons, while I went the usual seafood route of Pan Seared Diver Scallops – rolled in porcini powder, with whipped yukons and red wine butter sauce. Yum! After dinner I was pretty full, so we just chilled our for about a while, talked and enjoyed our drinks, it was after 7 by the time we ordered our desserts, Michael went with their Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake – Dark, milk and white chocolates layered over chocolate cake, sauced with raspberry coulis, and I went with a special they had of a heart-shaped truffle cake. It was all quite spectacular.

Now having written all that I want to go back, hah! They serve brunch.. this weekend we can go back and I can check out the Lobster Egg’s Benedict two poached eggs over grilled peasant bread with lobster meat, hollandaise sauce & lyonnaise potatoes… No, I should behave myself.

Throughout the week we were spending evenings doing work with the house. Our new couches were suppose to arrive the Saturday the 10th, so we moved the television and everything last weekend. It didn’t come that Saturday, they had to reschedule for Wednesday since they had a problem with a driver (or a truck, or something). Wednesday rolled around and we had a snow storm, so it was finally rescheduled for this past Saturday. It was Sunday before we had a nice setup worked out upstairs, but I’m quite happy with it now. Right now I’m sitting on one of my new couches with my laptop watching some MST3K. Mmmm comfy. Once we have everything set up and all the wire boxes put away for real I’ll take some pictures.

Saturday I also did some cleaning around the house and then went out to do some errands. Michael wanted a case of Hop Wallop, which sent me on a quest to find a beer store that had it in stock. The store down the street has very limited selection, we have moral qualms with the place next to Sly Fox in Royersford, they only take cash and have a poor selection at the store in Harleysville, and Skippack Beverage looks a little scary from the outside. Skippack Beverage was the only place I’d never been to, so that was my first stop. To my surprise the “scary” warehouse exterior hides a pretty decent beer store! They had a whole bunch of Chimay, a nice selection of Victory and other microbrews, and even a few Belgians I wasn’t familiar with (alas, none of my favorite Belgians). I grabbed myself a case of Hop Wallop and was on my way.

Sunday afternoon Michael set up the Mythbox and so we finally got to enjoy some movies together for the first time in a week. I made some chocolate chip cookies and we spent the afternoon watching Flushed Away (which I thought was pretty cute), not watching Happy Feet (we tried, it’s horrible), and then a few hours of I, Claudius (which I’d seen, but Michael hadn’t yet). It was a great afternoon and evening.

And now I’m going to enjoy a nice delivered dinner from a local pizzeria. I have lost a few pounds in the past 2 weeks since I’m no longer working in an office where I’m tempted for 8 hours a day with candy and other food that’s bad for me. But my craving for bad food hasn’t completely gone away… I was going to make tacos tonight but then had an overwhelming desire for a buffalo chicken cheesesteak, mmm….