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Beer (again!?) and a new book

I have been writing about beer a lot, it’s just that it’s springtime and beer events keep coming up :) Plus, I haven’t really felt like blogging extensively about the projects I’m working on.

The local beer bar, Ortino’s Northside, is holding a beer event tomorrow night with none other than Lew Bryson! Lew is the author of Pennsylvania Breweries and so is one of my local beer heroes. The owner of Northside (a fellow we chat with often) told us of the beer menu, which was delightfully full of bocks. I couldn’t resist – bocks? Lew? I’m there! Not even the ham on the menu (no substitutes) would keep me away from this event. We bought tickets. More info over on Lew’s blog (Lew has a blog!? YAH!)

Also, I learned today that the Sly Fox Goat Race and Maibock festival is happening on Sunday May 6th. I’m so excited! Even better, that’s the weekend will be up visiting for a race in Philly. We had blast last year and it’ll be nice to see him again.

We’re having a pretty mellow weekend, and one mostly away from the computer. I am coming down from being sick and the weather is lousy so I spent half the day on the couch with the kitties reading. I started reading Saints by Orson Scott Card. I know plenty of people don’t like him, but I really enjoy Orson Scott Card as an author, even if his religion makes me run and hide. But I couldn’t help myself, I picked up Saints for 25 cents at a used book place because it had his name on it. The subject of the book? The fictional tale of Dinah Kirkham, one of the first influential women in the early days of… wait for it… the Church of the Latter-Day Saints! It’s fiction, there was no such woman, but it is said to be loosely based on some women of the time, and Card did research that gave him details of the time and the founding of the church to make his book interestingly accurate in other ways. Honestly when I realized what the book was about I wondered if this 700+ page book would be worth my time. I gave it a chance today and before I knew it I was over 100 pages in, it’s impressing me more than I expected. Perhaps I should have expected it, I always enjoy his writing.