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Cats, curtains, and radio

After work on Friday the cats went to the vet. True to cat form, they acted the complete opposite from how they act at home. Caligula was behaving badly, hissing, growling, showing teeth. Simcoe was the picture of a good kitty at the vet. The only recommendation was that Caligula lose about a half a pound, he’s at 12 pounds right now, up from 11 last year. And that Simcoe gain a pound, the vet was somewhat concerned that she’s over 3 months old and still only 3 pounds, normally cats are at 4 pounds at this age, so “unless she’s just a small cat” she needs to beef up a little, honestly I’m betting on her just being a small cat, her parents were tiny. They both got shots that would make them sleepy for about 24 hours, and after all the terror Simcoe has caused since I brought her home I was glad for the break.

So the cats slept almost all day Saturday and I got a lot done around the house. I managed to get my office a bit more in order, I think it’s as good as it’s going to be until I get my ethernet wiring situation completely sorted out. Michael helped me get the new TV room more organized – it’s almost complete and photo-worthy! The best thing I accomplished yesterday was finishing another curtain, putting up curtain rods, and finally being able to hang my first set of curtains!

Much better than my ghetto curtain!. I’m impressed that they came out actually looking like curtains, but I need to work on measuring fabric, they didn’t end up perfectly even on the bottom, and I think it’s a bit obvious on the one that I made yesterday (Michael said it looks fine).

I should finish up the last curtain this afternoon, and hopefully Simcoe calms down a bit. A whole day of not getting into trouble yesterday? She woke up early today to start catching up.

Finally, yesterday I learned the sad news Penn Radio is over. It was pretty much my favorite radio show of all time, and I’m very sorry to see it go. The reasons? Penn said he’s too busy (no doubt, two TV shows, a Vegas show a few times a week, guest appearances, a family…). Throughout the show there were notes dropped about how we should “look for it coming back somewhere, in some form, sometime in the future.” I hope that’s true, even a weekly dose of Penn would be nice. And honestly? Since leaving the AP job I don’t have all day to zone out and listen to podcasts anyway, I was a bit behind on my Penn Radio shows. A weekly show would be fine with me. On the bright podcast side, Peter Sagal was on Penn Radio on Feb 19th. Inspired, I checked the NPR podcasts to see if they had started podcasting the only quiz show I’ve ever been in love with, the show that Segal hosts, Wait, Wait… Don’t Tell Me!. Guess what? THEY HAVE!. Oh happiness :) I’ve been making curtains to the great radio voices of Penn and Segal.