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Ubuntu and other projects

I haven’t been making real updates lately. This is a mix of being busy and just not feeling like it. Mostly not feeling like it.

So Ubuntu. In November I finally made the leap, replacing Debian Etch with Xubuntu Edgy on my primary workstation. Of course being so used to the older stuff in Etch and doing everything entirely by myself all the time, I didn’t really dive into Ubuntu head first, I’ve eased my way in.

It’s been pretty fun bumping into things that work in Linux now. Ubuntu comes with very nice default options (and, ok, a pretty heavy default kernel) that make almost everything I plug into my computer work.

Like… my Sansa mp3 player. I hadn’t put anything on it from Linux since last year, and the last time I mounted it in Debian it wasn’t seeing the entire drive, so I just booted into Windows. This week I plugged it in to my spiffy Ubuntu machine. It immediately showed up as an icon on my desktop, which I could right click to mount. My whole drive showed up! I then fired up thunar and transferred the files to it. Very easy.

And burning CDs. I made a pile of coasters last summer trying to convince Debian to use my cd burner. Annoyed, I just booted into Windows when I needed an ISO burned. And mp3 to audio burning? I have given up doing that entirely, just put music on my mp3 player and plugged that into my truck (the only place I listen to real CDs). Recently Michael asked me to pop a blank CDR into my drive and cdrecord(1) an ISO for him – and it worked! Oh my! This week I made the jump to creating an audio cd from mp3s, I installed k3b and libk3b2-mp3 and was on my way – CD burned fine and I listened to it in my car this week. Yay!

These advancements are fantastic, I’m really impressed with how far Ubuntu has come. Hooray for user friendly Linux!

Oh and also about Ubuntu, the Ubuntu-Women project is still chugging along at a nice pace. We’ve been having meetings every other week, we were able to go to the Community Council to get more administrative access to parts of the project – I’m now a website Admin and a Launchpad Admin for the project, woohoo :) It’s been helpful to be able to update things, and doing things like adding more people to the planet has really made for some new people traffic on list. BTW, we need more website admins info here.

Oh and a have a zillion other projects I’m working on too. Some of them are even projects that can help me at work, which is a nice overlap. Just the other weekend I was diving into the possibility of creating RSS feeds for some of my sites, and then my boss presented me with a similar project. It certainly gives me more incentive to finally move along with my personal project, and then be able to bring that knowledge to work.

Computers aside, I have managed to find time to work on other stuff. Last weekend I bought some fabric from a local fabric outlet. Gosh, everyone was right when they said it was expensive, even at $3/yard (cheap outlet pricing, plus a half off sale on all wool) it cost me $24 to get enough fabric for the windows in my office. Granted, that’s much less than I would have paid for these curtains if they were premade, but I also have to consider it took me 3 hours to make the first, and about an hour to make the second – and that’s just one set of curtains, one window! I’ll keep going on this route though, it’s fun to make this stuff, I feel so good when it’s done. Next project is making curtains for the two windows upstairs.

I also finally got to have a meal at the El Sarape in Blue Bell. It’s a mexican place I’ve been wanting to try for quite some time. I called up Jane, a former co-worker from my Accounts Payable job, and we spent Wednesday evening catching up. I missed talking with her, she’s a lot of fun and quite a change from all the computery friends I have. Plus we had a fun time catching up on what has been going on in the office since I left, same old stuff, did I mention I’m so glad I left? I also got to fill her in on how much I’m enjoying my new job. Anyway, the mexican food was good for this area, and I’ll certainly be going back. I also need to give my former co-worker Kris a call, we have some hobbies that overlap and she is into all sorts of cool gardening stuff that I need to learn for the spring. Maybe some weekend sometime soon we can meet up…

This weekend we don’t have any solid plans. Plenty of little things that need to be done around the house that I’ll feel bad about if I neglect them again (like finishing putting together a sewing station in my office and moving all our movies up to the new TV room).

Right now I’m headed off to make some French Toast with the fresh bread Michael made this morning – yum!