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Caligula, A/C and Installfest coming up

Had to bring Caligula to the vet on Tuesday. His ears and the base of his ears on his “forehead” were all red. When I brought him in the first thing the vet said was “He’s all red!” to which I said “Aaah I know! What’s wrong with him?” After taking his temperature (not running a fever) and doing a quick inspection (seemed fine otherwise), she decided that it was probably an allergic reaction. He was either bitten by some bug or ate some bug that he was allergic to. Silly kitty. He got a steroid shot and sent me home with instructions to give him children’s Benadryl. Unfortunately children’s benadryl only comes in Cherry (syrup) and Grape (pills) both of which he hates, but I managed to get enough in him each day. Now he’s looking and seems to be feeling much better, most of the redness is gone.

Finally broke down and installed the air conditioner in my office last night. The weather has been quite tolerable, even when it’s gotten up to mid 80s the humidity has stayed low. But yesterday I learned that today that would all change – and I’d be prepared! Indeed, today it’s been yucky and humid, I’m glad to have the A/C in or I would have been pretty miserable.

The Ubuntu InstallFest is this weekend. We’re working hard to get all the loose ends tied up so it goes smoothly. For our day long event we have 13 people registered, which I think is pretty good :) Should be a fun time.