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I’m sure part of the reason I tend to get depressed in the winter is that I don’t get out much. I seem to have more plans in the spring and summer than at any other time of the year. Today I just booked my last free weekend in June! These are mostly local things, and we’re always looking for people to come along, so here are the events we’ll be attending in the coming month:

Saturday, 19 May: The Gatherings Concert Series: Steve Roach (with opening by Jeffrey Koepper) – Steve Roach is huge in the ambient world, and even touches outside of it. It’s been a few years since he played in the area and they’re expecting to sell out – so if you want to come order your tickets now!

Saturday, 2 June: PA LoCo Ubuntu InstallFest – Really, people come :) You can volunteer or bring an old computer or buy a cheap old computer there and get Ubuntu installed on it!

Sunday 10, June: Bear Creek Brew Fest – We’re going with a few people, but the more the merrier at a brew fest! You get a sampler glass and go around to all the beer tables and get samples. The venue looks to be a nice one too, I’m really looking forward to this. I need to grab our tickets soon. Tickets are $25 each in advance (recommended) or $30 at the door (if they have room left) – if you want to meet us at our house and be our designated driver you can get in for just $5 :)

Saturday 16, June: The STAR’S END 30th Anniversary Spacemusic Festival – We just found out about this today and immediately bought tickets. The show will be featuring: Robert Rich + Ian Boddy, Jeff Pearce, The Ministry of Inside Things and Orbital Decay. Robert Rich is one of my favorite ambient artists who we’ve seen in concert a few times, and we saw Jeff Pearce play at the Summer Solstice Spacemusic Spectacular 3 years ago. I’ve never seen Ian Boddy in concert but I’m familiar with some of his work and he’s quite good. It’ll be the concert debut of Rich and Boddy playing together (awesome!). I’m really excited for this. The tickets were “sort of” $60 each – in that you make a pledge to become a member of XPN and get the ticket as a “gift” – fine with me, they’re worth $60 a piece and XPN has some nice member privileges.

Thursday-Sunday 21-24, June: 6th Annual GAIAN MIND SUMMER FESTIVAL – Woohoo! We went to this last year and had a blast. This year I took off from work Friday so we could leave Thursday evening and camp out for the entire event. This is going to be a lot of fun, hopefully it won’t rain too much this time! We were supposed to join some friends there but they’re unable to make it. Anyone else up for camping out with us for a weekend? The base ticket price is $110 each which gets you the campsite – this means you bring your own food and “fend for yourself” as far as food goes, we’ll be taking this route as we felt the meal tickets were a bit pricey for what you’re served ($166 gets you a campsite and food for 4 days, $149 for just friday dinner-sunday brunch). I’ll be buying our tickets pretty soon.

It’s shaping up to be a fun season.