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I’m now an Ubuntu Member!

This post is all about vanity, forgive me for a moment while I wade in it :)

< nixternal> and pleia2 is rocking the Ubuntu US LoCo scene — I thought for some reason she was already a member…under a new name :)
* elkbuntu cheers loudly for pleia2
* towsonu2003 cheers for pleia2 who is a Debian package maintainer and a very good ubuntu-women project contributor – not to mention her level of awareness in women’s issues as they relate to Linux and computing.
< dinda> Pleia2 has been doing some amazing work for the ubuntu community; and brings lots of upstream knowledge (Debian package maintainer) and linuxchix
< Susana> I’m here to cheer for pleia2, she has done a great effort to dynamize the ubuntu-women project and she’s one of its greatest contributers. She has always been very wise in her decisions i think she’ll be a great member.
* jedijf cheers YO! from philly in pa loco for pleia2
* etank cheers for pleia2. She is very active in the PA LoCo and Ubuntu Women.

< Burgundavia> yay for more women to bridge our awful gender inequality

Thanks everyone – you all rock! (info about members here)