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Monday I wasn’t feeling so hot.

Tuesday I felt so lousy I called out sick to work.

Today I feel bad too. My cough is worse (which makes my head hurt), I’m more achey and all around miserable. Michael suggested I call the doctor.

I don’t go to the doctor much, afterall “it’s just a cold” – but I am feeling pretty miserable, and this is the second cold I’ve had in about 3 months. So I got an appointment for 9:30 this morning. I saw a new doctor, one who is covered under my current medical plan. He was great (that’s rare, I will make sure I see him next time too). After an exam I felt was thorough and a zillion questions he pronounced that I have “a cold aggravated by allergies.” And I should “get some sleep for the cold, and take these allergy medicines for the allergies.” Oh good.

I’m going to take his advice about the cold now and get some more sleep.