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Sly Fox Goat Race 2007

There I go posting about more events when I haven’t even caught up with talking about ones that already happened! This was last Sunday.

First off, it was crowded this year! The event seems to have really taken off.

We met Bob at our house, and then met up with Nita, MJ, Ron and were surprised to meet up with Constance, David and their new baby Caylee later in the afternoon!

The weather was cool and breezy when we arrived, I was glad to have worn my sweatshirt. We got our souvenir beer glasses right when we arrived and Michael and I got them filled with the Slacker Bock – which was quite a delightful bock. Later I went with the 2006 Helles Bock, which is one of my favorite Bocks. And after that? I am not sure, Michael kept bringing Bocks around and I kept drinking from his glass! The one I do remember was the Ice Bock – which was one of the bocks that they froze and removed much of the water from – leaving a very potent brew. Good stuff, but yowza!

And the goat race? We were in line for a half hour getting some sausages to eat and didn’t get a spot to see the race, so we were out of luck. There were just so many people there! I don’t mind so much though, hanging out with friends and having some great beers was enough for me. Now pictures!

Early in the day, Michael enjoying a beer in front of the brewery

Nita and MJ – MJ is not actually unhappy! He’s just tired because he’s been running around for weeks and is about to move to CA (he even had to leave the festival early, boo)

A bunch of us huddled in for this photo: Bob, me, Ron, Nita, Constance (and Caylee attached!) and you can see a little bit of David – oh and you can see the crowd!

Michael and David

As the event started winding down we put our name in for a table for 7 and were able to have a quick dinner inside the brewery. Afterwards a bunch of us went back to our house and sat around the firepit in our back yard. There was lots of beer to be had between the growlers from Victory the night before, misc beer we had in our ‘fridge and what David and Constance brought over. I stopped with the beer thing pretty early (I think I was already feeling my cold creep up) but a few people got quite drunk and started doing crazy things like pouring out their heart or singing the theme from Firefly (I’m not naming names!). What a night. What a day!

Oh and speaking of growlers from Victory, we took a couple camera-phone pictures while we on the brewery tour the day before, our favorite of which was this treasure: Michael hugging one of the aging tanks – hah!