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Fancy meeting you here

OK, that’s weird… I just ran into my cousin who I haven’t spoken to in over a year in IRC.

-!- Selekta [darkmyst@dm-32275.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #darkmyst
< Selekta> Hello there!!
< Selekta> No, shit.
< Selekta> Pleia2
<@pleia2> hm?
<@pleia2> Steven?
< Selekta> Hi Beth.
<@pleia2> :D
< Selekta> :D
< Selekta> Hahaha
<@pleia2> omfg it’s my cousin!
< Selekta> Insanity!
< Selekta> We rule so hard.

< Selekta> Wow, this is pretty cool. Who’da thought a google search would lead to my long lost cousin?! :D
<@pleia2> I was never lost :)
<@pleia2> you were!

I recognized him based on 1) hostname 2) he’s used similar nicks in the past. 3) he knows me