First off, Michael brought Simcoe to the vet last Thursday to get her sutures removed. It went as expected, snip snip snip and the sutures were gone without a struggle! The only problem was an infection in one of her paws, she was put on antibiotics and we asked Jane to stop in an check on them Friday as well as Saturday so she could get her medication. She appears to be healing up nicely. Yay!
I thought removal of her claws would mean she’d stop with her terrible habit of destroying toilet paper and paper towels that required us to keep the bathroom door closed for months. Not so. Yesterday I was cleaning something up, put the paper towel roll behind me for a minute, and no sooner I see Simcoe with her entire body wrapped around the roll tearing it to pieces. But you don’t have claws! How do you managed to destroy so thoroughly?!
This morning I woke up to a similarly destroyed toilet paper roll hanging in the bathroom. A quick search online for this behavior turned up this page which has a section on toilet paper, the suggestion of “You can balance a small paper cup full of water on top of the roll.” gave me quite a chuckle, until I realized I’d have to clean it up and she’s a cat so would probably manage to escape the deluge. I’ll think of something. Ah kitties.