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The Weekend

So I bailed on the InstallFest. I should have looked up the address sooner and organized appropriately. Instead of waited until Saturday morning to look up the place that for some reason I thought was in NE Philly. It was in Center City. Ack! It wouldn’t have been so bad if I wasn’t going down alone, but I really hate driving alone in the city. I felt bad that I canceled on them, but I let one of the guys know before he left for the -fest.

Instead I spent the day mostly just working on a bunch of little things. Saturday afternoon Michael and I headed down to Skippack for some shopping. We tried a new coffee shop, which Michael’s post here says everything about – the short version? It was no good. That evening we ordered some pizza and chilled out to watch Episode 1 and the Fifth Element RiffTrax. We actually had to rent those movies, since we didn’t own them – how embarrassing ;) The riff of Ep1 wasn’t good as the Ep2 one, but I greatly enjoyed Mike and Kevin’s hatred of Jar Jar Binks. The riff of Fifth Element could have been better, it was just Mike riffing and about a third of the way into it I found myself saying “Mike needs to talk more – I’m actually watching the movie!”

Sunday I was able to get into my garden for a little bit and handle some of the weeds that have popped up over the past few weeks. Then I had to go inside because I wasn’t feeling so hot. Humidity + allergies that had been fought off by Claritin+A/C for so many days. I ended up taking some Claritin D, which put me into a coma. It ended up working, I stopped being congested, but I felt all numb and sleepy. For dinner we headed out to Greater India (yum yum!) before doing some shopping at Whole Foods (note to self, don’t shop at Whole Foods on Sunday evening – the selection is terrible!).

Last night we sat down and “enjoyed” the RiffTrax for Reign of Fire. Oh, My, Gosh. What a horrible movie! The riffing was good though, so we were able to make it through.

I love RiffTrax, it’s like having MST3K back.

Sunday I was also able to install Debian on my laptop. I’m thinking of turning it into my development box to replace the crappy HP I have now. We’ll see how it goes – thus far I still need to get wireless working (it worked during the install but not after I booted into the new install…sigh).

The weather today is lousy – warm, humid and rainy. At least it wasn’t too hot, I was able to just open the window in my office instead of turning on the A\C.