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We got a DVD player, finally, Simcoe, and we’re going away

After much complaining about how DVDs suck, we finally broke down and bought a cheap Sony DVD player this week, the Sony DVP-NS57P/B Progressive Scan. I don’t care about xvid and region-freeness or any goodies. I just wanted something that would play damaged DVDs (like ones you get rented), DVD-Rs, and whatever other DVD-stuffs we wanted to throw at it. This replaces our PS2 and DVD-ROM drive in the MythTV box that were our two primary (terrible) DVD players. It still annoys me that we had to buy a machine specifically devoted to playing DVDs to get something that would actually work, but what can I do? I only paid $60 for this player, it’s worth it not to have the frustration anymore. Indeed, the DVD-Rs that just wouldn’t play on the other drives play flawlessly on the new player – success!

Simcoe is healing up. One of her paws concerns me as it’s not healed up as quickly as the rest, but Michael is taking her over to the vet tomorrow at 1:30 to get the sutures removed, they can look at her paw then. I mentioned this to the woman who will be watching her while we’re gone and she’s prepared, so we have our bases covered for a guilt-free weekend.

Tomorrow afternoon after work we’re heading out to the Gaian Mind Summer Festival. It’ll be nice to attend the whole festival this year (had to drive out Friday last year). Camping in a tent, no cellphones, and a cooler full of food and water to keep us alive for the weekend. The weather is looking great (much better than last year – so much rain and mud!). Music all night, dancing, sweat lodges, drum circles, swimming in the creek! I’m so excited, I really could use the break from everything (especially computers).