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Caligula appears to be feeling much better. He was walking around yesterday with little trouble and finally able to move his tail, even if it is still leaning to the left. I’m so glad it wasn’t something worse.

I’m still in pain though. What? Oh yeah, sunburn. It’s feeling worse today than it was yesterday, I slept badly last night because each time I rolled on my back I was woken up. I really need to stop being so dumb about the sun.

And now for pain no one in the house has – but could have! On July 20th I read this Pool infections in Limerick:

The Montgomery County Health Department has issued a warning about a parasitic infection linked to the Spring Valley YMCA in Limerick.

The health department confirmed three infections of the gastrointestinal ailment cryptosporidium, which is caused by microscopic parasites that invade the intestine and pass in the stool. Recreational pools have been known to be a source of this type of infection, which is usually contracted by accidentally swallowing water that has been contaminated with fecal matter.

The Spring Valley YMCA closed its facilities and treated the pools last week, spokeswoman Harriet Morton said. The pools have been reopened.

The Spring Valley Y is the only identified common source in these three cases. No new cases had been reported.

Yep, that’s my YMCA. Yep, I regularly go in those pools – but haven’t lately because when I’ve been going in the evenings lately there have been thunderstorms that closed to pools. Since that June 20th article there have been Montgomery County Health Department signs posted all over saying if you’ve been sick within the last 2 weeks, don’t use the pools, and when I went on the 26th they had a sign up explaining that a couple more pools were closed due to a child having an “accident” – ugh. I’m not one to be all wacky and fearful because of these things, the odds of me actually becoming sick with this is pretty low, but I don’t mess around where my stomach is concerned. I’ve been steering clear of the pools lately.