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WCOJ Radio Show – Ubuntu as a replacement for Vista

As I mentioned previously, Alex Launi and I were scheduled to do a radio show on Saturday the 14th on WCOJ 1420 AM’s Computer Corner. Well the show went on and I now have a copy of it to share!

Computer Corner: Ubuntu, with Special Guests Alex Launi and Lyz Bevilacqua (Thanks to Melissa Draper for hosting the file)

All things considered (me not being terribly familiar with the format or what questions were going to be asked, a show taking place at 8AM on a Saturday, me being slightly nervous about it all), I think it went very well. I could have answered the “origins of Linux” question a lot better, but what can you do? As the subject of this entry states the program went in the direction of Ubuntu being a replacement for Vista, and although we did briefly touch upon the fact it can be run on older hardware, I wish we had stressed that fact.

The best news is that after the show the hosts were pleased and asked if we’d come back in a few months – cool! We’ll be able to touch upon things we missed in the next program. Plus, the one host who hadn’t tried it was quite excited, and on Sunday he contacted us and said (after a bit of an issue with his very complex machine) that he was going to build a PC specifically to run Ubuntu.