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Linked in and Firefox plugins

The last thing I need is another social networking site (so I haven’t signed up for facebook) but lately I’ve started using my LinkedIn account. So I might as well flesh it out, lets link up: http://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabethbevilacqua

We had a few friends over Saturday night, and somewhere in the conversation mct mentioned that he used a firefox plugin called It’s All Text! so he could use vim in place of web browser text fields. Wicked. I used his suggestion of launching a script as my editor, so I have a ~/bin/its-all-text script:

exec xterm -fg white -bg black -cr magenta -fn 9×15 -e vim -X “$@”

It works quite well so far, I’m writing this in WordPress via vim :) The only weirdness so far is with gmail, each time I open It’s All Text! in a Compose Email screen vim has to Recover for some reason, all I have to do is choose the Edit Anyway option and it seems fine. With the WordPress text box it’s fine. Hooray for the continued ability to be obsessed with vim!

I also learned this week about FireGPG. It adds real buttons and menu options to FireFox and within gmail to handle GPG – signing, encrypting, decrypting… Very cool, I really was missing mutt’s integration of this stuff. I haven’t put my key in yet though, this IS third party software related to a webapp, afterall. Have any of you heard of this/used it/confirmed it’s not evil?


  • timelady

    Yes,used it, it seems to work fine:)

  • Alex

    FireGPG is great for decrypting in the browser window, and for validating signatures. Unfortunately it produces invalid signatures itself (which it is then able to verify as invalid.) This is do to a whitespace discrepancy with the GMail editor. Not sure how that might work with It’s All Text!

  • pleia2

    Alex: If you come back to read this… is this in the plaintext or richtext editor in Gmail? Both? It’s All Text just launches vim externally and then dumps the results in the editor (I use the plaintext one), so it wouldn’t make a difference if the problem exists throughout.