The BBQ this past weekend at Norristown Farm Park was a success!
The weather was absolutely perfect and the location was easy to find, unless you’re Alex Launi (just kidding, there was a road closure in the direction he came in that caused him to be quite late :)). We had somewhere around 25 attendees, including a few families so these was no shortage of excitement from young children running around. Unfortunately the batteries in my camera died shortly after I arrived, so I was only able to take a few pictures, which I’ve posted on the Ubuntu US-PA gallery.

I was really pleased with the number of people who came out because of my note about it to the PLUG list (one of whom offered to grill – thanks again Carl!), and excited that we snagged two woman via my post to PhillyGeek. There used to be an annual Linux picnic in the area, and the organizer of that ended up swinging by toward the end of the day, and now I’m considering working more closely with PLUG next year to broaden the scope and attendance of the picnic. It’s pretty awesome how the pool of people to draw from for such an event has expanded so much since the last such event was organized, Linux is really growing up! We planned to have the picnic from noon-4 but a bunch of us didn’t end up leaving until after 5, it was really fun to have an event where we could kick back and socialize rather than having to run around and fix/install/show off computers all day. A couple laptops did come out at the end of the BBQ and a few Ubuntu CDs were given out, we received our approved team box of CDs just in time for this BBQ so we had the nicely packaged ones for distribution.
A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this event, especially to Jim, who brought duplicates of all the important items for the BBQ in case someone didn’t show and brought a van-full of bread and desserts (I could eat that Oreo cake all day). We did good!
Tuesday, Aug 14th, 2007 at 23:18
Looks like you guys had a great time! :)