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Oh yeah, I have a blog. Teeth, anniversary, projects, friends

I haven’t been in the mood for posting at all lately.

Work has been great, but a lot of stressful things have been happening that have caused my stress level to remain quite high. I don’t like to write when I’m stressed or otherwise too emotional because too often the posts end up either rambling or too negative. All that aside – I feel good this morning so I will catch up a bit!

I have a toothache. I went to the dentist about a year ago for a cleaning and checkup after 6 years of having neither, got a couple cavities filled (my first cavities!) and x-rays taken where the dentist was confident that my wisdom teeth would come in fine. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case. On the evening of my birthday the wisdom tooth on the right side (which has come in further than the one on the left) started to hurt. I hoped it would go away, but it’s been growing increasingly annoying throughout the week and I finally got a callback from a local dentist to make an appointment. The woman I spoke with was so sure this pain meant I need them removed and scheduled me with the oral surgeon to take a look at it on October 18th and then plan to get it removed. Oh what fun.

Our 1st wedding anniversary is coming up in a couple weeks. We’ve had ideas floating around for a few months as to what we should do for it, but never solidified anything and before I knew it October had crept up! We ended up reserving a comfy 3-day weekend in West Virginia at the North Fork Mountain Inn. We’ve been to this Inn before, and although the place was amazing, we were not at all impressed with the woman who was running it (even got an apology letter from the owner following our stay, I won’t get into it…). It’s under new ownership now and I’m happy to say that I’m very excited to be going back. After the reservations were booked online I got an email from one of the owners, and within a couple days a letter confirming our reservation and a nice little pamphlet talking about the Inn. Very professional! They’ll be providing dinner on Saturday and Sunday and didn’t have a problem accommodating our fish+vegetarian dietary restriction. Hooray for a weekend of snuggling in blankets, movies, a jacuzzi tub and beautiful West Virginia mountain views!

Projects… In spite of spending more time on my computer lately, I honestly have to say that I haven’t made any noteworthy steps forward in any projects I’m working on. The Ubuntu LoCo stuff is progressing nicely, my Ubuntu-Women focus is now highly dependent on the relaunch of the Classroom project, organization of which is chugging along. LUG stuff is going well. I got a text-based install of Debian under QEMU running the other evening, but this can hardly be called an accomplishment, since it went like this:

elizabeth@hour:~$ apt-get install qemu (installs stuff I need)
elizabeth@hour:~$ qemu-img create debian-qemu 3G (create QEMU “partition”)
elizabeth@hour:~$ qemu -hda debian-qemu -cdrom debian-40r1-i386-netinst.iso -m 192 -boot d (launch debian installer with some iso I had)
elizabeth@hour:~$ qemu -hda debian-qemu (start up)

Difficult huh? I’m impressed by QEMU so far in the capacity that it’s going to be infinitely useful for testing. Pretty neat stuff.

Thursday afternoon Michael Toren mentioned in IRC that the movers for his move out to California had just left and his house was now empty. Never passing up an opportunity to see a friend before they move away, I suggested an “empty house party” and 4 hours later we were having a nice dinner at the General Lafayette Inn with him and Nita. It was excellent getting to catch up one last time before he leaves, we weren’t expecting to get that opportunity. As for the food, they overhauled their menu since we last dined there, instead of the delicate upscale dining we’re used to there, their menu is full of pub food. Now granted, this was some spectacular pub food and I wasn’t about to complain, but certainly a change. Overall it was a great night, and it was after 10PM by the time we ended up leaving the restaurant.

I’m on call this weekend, so the only plans I have are skipping out for a couple hours Sunday afternoon for a Shiatsu massage by a great fellow we met through the Shamanism class we took a couple years ago. This will be our second session with him, our first was several months ago and he has since had even further training in the method. Should be very nice.