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Happy Birthday Caligula! And surgery update.

Today is Caligula’s 4th birthday!

Michael’s been doing physical therapy at the hospital, yesterday when I arrived to visit him he was sitting up in a chair next to his bed and told me that they had him walking earlier in the day, and later in the afternoon they had him up walking again with a walker to the door of the room. Very impressive for just a couple days after replacing an entire hip joint! He was running a bit of a fever Tuesday and Wednesday, but they said it’s not too unusual after such a major surgery and it’s gone down now. I think we’re looking at either a Friday or Saturday release date.

One of the things that quickly became obvious following this surgery and the instructions Michael was given about hip care and recover was that I’d need to bring one of the futon couches/beds downstairs. They come apart, so last night instead of sleeping like I should have been, I was up sorting out how difficult it would be to take apart. I got pretty far last night and when I was finally too tired to do anything else I went to bed. This morning I got it mostly put back together downstairs, I stopped at the tricky logistical problem of connecting two major pieces together and tightening everything up before it collapses. Yeah, I might need some help with that bit, but I’m lucky to have a few local friends who have offered to drop by if I need any help :) I also finally got around to doing things like sorting mail and doing dishes that I’ve simply been too exhausted to do these past couple days. Getting that stuff sorted made me feel better, but I’d really like to get the house cleaned completely prior to Michael coming home.

And it looks like I’m getting that opportunity today. The weather is horrible, the temperature is hovering at the freezing mark sleet and freezing rain has been accumulating for about an hour now. I spoke with Michael briefly this morning and we agreed that me taking the risk of driving to the hospital (which is about 25 minutes away, without traffic or bad weather) in this weather was a risk not worth taking. I’ll see if it clears up later, but for now I am going to work on getting the house all ready for him to come home. Oh and I will probably take a nap this afternoon, I’m still pretty tired, wasn’t able to sleep in late enough to make up for being up past 1AM last night.