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Recovery and Christmas

Michael came home from the hospital 10 days ago, on Saturday the 15th. Michael discusses the surgery and the recovery over on his blog in greater detail than I could. His recovery has been pretty remarkable, he needed my help getting around for the first couple days, but has since graduated to a cane which allows him to pretty much move around the house freely and not require my help for most tasks. There are regular in-home nurse and physical therapy visits and my primary duty now is regular pharmacy visits to pick up prescriptions and other medications and supplements that he needs to take. He had an appointment with the surgeon this past week that I drove him to, and in the next few weeks he’ll need regular bloodwork done that he’ll need to leave the house for.

My boss has been extraordinarily helpful. He put me on project work these past few weeks so I had a lot of flexibility when it came to my hours. It still hasn’t been easy, I tend to deal better with set schedules and in my struggle to spend enough time focused on work (concentration has been hard) and be available for Michael I’ve skipped going to the gym these past few weeks and don’t feel fantastic about that. I feel tired too, which I expect is just from a messed up schedule, even with near-full cooking and cleaning responsibilities right now (which Michael and I usually share) I don’t think I’m actually doing more than normal, since I cut back considerably on f/oss stuff outside of work for the time being and haven’t been doing much outside the house this month.

I did skip out the other night to see Golden Compass with Nita, her sister and brother in law, and mct who is back in the area visiting for the holidays. I’d seen the movie a couple weeks before with another friend, but I enjoyed it so it was worth seeing again. Mostly it was great to spend some time out with friends and have time to catch up.

And now it’s Christmas! Last night Michael and I watched Stardust, which I’d fallen in love with when I saw it in the theaters a few months back. I also enjoyed a bottle of Delirium Noel which is now easily one of my favorite Christmas ales, no surprise, since Delirium Tremens is my favorite beer! I do love those pink elephants. As for today, as usual, we didn’t really do gifts except for for the cats, and since we had so much going on we skipped the Christmas tree and only have a few lights up and very limited decorations in general. The cats enjoyed their toys and treats we gave them this morning. I also made some banana bread, which looks and smells quite good if I do say so myself, will try a slice soon. For dinner I have some salmon burgers and shrimp with cocktail sauce I picked up from Whole Foods a couple days back, along with some sparling cider (as Michael can’t drink alcohol yet). The rest of the day? Will probably have a fire in the fireplace, putter around online a bit, watch some movies and enjoy the day (and check email and hope my phone doesn’t ring, as I’m on call today for work).

Merry Christmas!