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Surgery – Success!

Michael’s surgery was a success! There were some complications and the entire process took longer than expected – causing me to be at the hospital today for over 17 hours. I’m exhausted, just winding down now so I can sleep.

Timeline of the day:

4:30AM – Wake up, dressed, showered, packed, sorted out all we needed.
6:00AM – Arrive at the hospital and check-in.
7:00AM – I leave Michael so he can go get prepped and interviewed by a half dozen people prior to surgery.
7:45AM – I get called back into pre-op waiting area where Michael is already in a bed and half prepped for surgery. Turns out the equipment wasn’t properly sterilized and that has to be done before surgery can take place. Full sterilization takes about 2 hours.
11:00AM – We’re still waiting, they bumped 2 surgeries ahead of Michael’s due to having to wait for sterile equipment.
12:45PM – Finally they let us know that they’re about ready, I head back to the waiting area.
3:45PM – A nurse comes out to tell me that everything is OK, but it’s taking longer than expected.
4:30PM – Michael’s doctor comes out to tell me the surgery was completed, was a success, and to explain to me the complications – all of which we knew were risks going in and so they were properly prepared for. Told me that Michael would be in the recovery ward for about 1.5 hours.
6:45PM – I start getting anxious and ask an on-duty nurse to see if Michael is still in recovery. He is, she assured me they’d come to get me when they bring him down to his room.
7:30PM – Michael is brought to his room and I head down to be with him. We spend the next few hours together, watching the flurry of nurses come in and out of his room to handle things.
11:15PM – I finally leave the hospital to come home and tend to the animals and get some rest.

Visiting hours are from 11AM-8PM, so I’ll probably be spending that entire time tomorrow at the hospital. Hopefully he’ll be well enough to come home Wednesday or Thursday.

Going to sleep now.