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Today I spent a bunch of time working on my Sparc on Debian. It went something like this. I don’t want to talk about it, except to say – hey the Rescue bit of the Debian Sparc Install CD works great (once I learned it existed), and I’m going to be better about running `silo` after making changes to /etc/silo.conf.

Stop laughing.

On Saturday I was looking for something to do, since I didn’t want to rake the leaves like I should have. I ended up heading up the street to the brand new Philadelphia Premium Outlets. I’m not much of a shopper, and even less of an outlet fanatic, so my trip was driven by boredom, curiosity and the need for some new pants and perhaps a new black skirt. Right, clothes shopping.

First of all – hello it’s DECEMBER and people are Christmas shopping! I got to the mall and it took me about 10 minutes to find a parking space – the lot was simply filled up, all the way to the edge all the way around the mall. I finally found one and walked to the mall. It’s a very nicely laid out outlet mall, open outdoor walkways and a very sensible plan, which even though it was chilly out, made for a fairly stress-free shopping trip. I went into a bunch of stores, really determined to complete my task. I tried on lots of clothes but nothing was clicking with me. I ended up wandering into KB Toys halfway through my shopping trip, the only toy store in the whole mall, and made my only purchase of the day. D’oh.

I couldn’t help it though, I’m a lousy clothes shopper by myself. But toys? Well how could I resist – these were the McFarlane 6″ Curse of the Were-Rabbit Action Figures! I was so excited when they were announced but then let things get away from me and never bought any. Even better? They were marked down considerably and I snagged the 3 I bought for only $4 each! Would have bought all the ones they had there but I was trying to behave myself, I really don’t need more toys.

(Apparently Simcoe was cross about me not posting pictures of her lately)

And while on the subject of toys, I made one purchase in the vendor room at PhilCon this year, a Giant Microbe: Beer & Bread Yeast. He now lives on my monitor, have yet to name him though.

I need someone to go clothes shopping with so I’ll behave myself.