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I haven’t been in the mood to write lately, so you get a list of stuff instead.

A couple weekends ago I spent the weekend hanging out with Nita. The Friday night was spent catching up and I hung out while she, her sister and brother in law played in their bowling league. Saturday started out by meeting up with Nita’s friend Heather in Lancaster. The plan was to hit a mall and go shoe shopping for me. Somewhere along the way they decided that I needed to get my hair done, so I did!. Wow, me with curly hair? It took a can of hairspray and a half dozen bobby pins to get it to stay like that. They also helped me buy some new clothes. It’s nice to go shopping with a couple of women for a chance, I tend to be completely hopeless when I go clothes shopping. That night we grabbed dinner and then spent the rest of the evening… in a bar in Lancaster. It was a bit silly, but I did learn about a new drink – the Irish Car Bomb (pint of Guinness, shot of Baileys, drink as fast as you can). What a weekend, it was awesome for Nita to take me out like that.

Last weekend I went over for a little get together down in Philly with a few friends (most of whom I’d only known on IRC, and met a couple completely new people). It was fun, did a lot of geeking out, played some Munchkin.

This weekend I’m going to Wicked Faire with Nita, should be fun.

…and I’ve done lots of other things, and have lots more plans, lots of computer stuff (there are 4 computers in my office now – oh my!) but I’m too tired to write about them now.