After spending several months working on this, including overcoming several hurdles and resigning to the fact that it simply couldn’t be included in the next Debian stable release due to database version issues, I’ve finally uploaded a .deb to Alioth.
The .deb is lintian error free (w/ 2 reasonable overrides), but it still needs auto configuration of postgres and apache2 included for a better release. I can probably get to those two things eventually – but right now I really need testers to find out if there is anything wrong with it as-is. The hardest part about installation for testing is database configuration, so Jim Barrett helped by writing up some instructions. I’d also like some experienced packagers to take a look debian/ in svn to see if there are any obvious errors or flaws that lintian didn’t catch.
All information about getting involved can be found here: Debian LedgerSMB Team.
Sunday, Jun 1st, 2008 at 23:30
Cool! Uh, what *is* Ledger SMB? A description (or link to one) would be nice! :)