As seen here, I was one of the last geeky holdouts I know to still have a CRT for daily, normal use. Well I, sorta on a whim, left that camp today and while at Micro Center picked myself up an Acer AL2216W flatpanel monitor.
Boy does it shine! I’m very happy with my purchase.

(Also, Micro Center is a dangerous place – last time I was there I walked out with two new harddrives – now ths! I was only there to grab a cheap OEM dvd-rom drive…)
Saturday, Aug 2nd, 2008 at 18:13
OMG geek girly!
I still have CRT and only one unit…
Congrats for your acquisition! :-)
Saturday, Aug 2nd, 2008 at 18:14
Still holding the fort using CRT on our main desktop computer at home.
Saturday, Aug 2nd, 2008 at 20:22
Congrats. I finally upgraded from my CRTs to LCDs a month ago and it was so amazing how much better it was and how much more desk space I ended up with and my eyes hurt so much less. Congrats, enjoy them.
Saturday, Aug 2nd, 2008 at 23:07
The only place I’ve found more dangerous than MicroCenter that way is AxMan Surplus.
Tip for these places, withdraw enough cash from the checking account to make the purchase you want, before you go into the store, and do not take your credit card, check card, or checkbook in with you. At least with MicroCenter you stand a chance of walking out with only what you planned on getting. The only way that works at AxMan is if you first go in with just a notebook and calculate out what your cost will be, then go to the bank and come back with only enough money for that. The don’t send out catalogs.
Sunday, Aug 3rd, 2008 at 3:44
Heh, and I thought I was late. I “switched” in September last year. Mostly because I’m an energy-saving hippie, but I must say that it indeed also saves a lot of desk space.
Too bad that these things are all wide-screen though. Width is not half as useful as height IMHO.
Monday, Aug 4th, 2008 at 17:20
Congrats. I got a Viewsonic LCD in 2002, to replace my burned Sony 21” CRT… it was really expensive back then, but the CRTs were making my glasses thicker :-(
Now they are faster and way cheaper :-)
Tuesday, Aug 5th, 2008 at 7:31
Who cares?