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My Network! (and a little ledgersmb)

When I moved back into the house we decided to give me my own network (along with my own external IP address) – yippee! First thing I had to get? A spiffy reversal, as seen on R2D2’s hostname:

-!- R2D2 [~astromech@alderaan.princessleia.com] has joined #rainwreck

From there I built my network.

R2A6: Laptop (Ubuntu Hardy)
R2D2: Primary desktop (Xubuntu Hardy)
HAN-S: Secondary desktop, mostly a movie player (Kubuntu Hardy)

..wait, Xubuntu, Kubuntu AND Ubuntu? Yeah, I kept finding it was useful to have one of each around between what I prefer, what I support at work and what I support in the community. Or I might just be insane, the jury is out.

R2Q5: Backups and IRC Bots (Debian Sparc Etch)
R2B1: Firewall (Debian i386 Etch)
R21U: 1U Testing server (Debian i386 Sid)

Hey look, Debian and Ubuntu tie!

Plus my Linodes, a printer and a VoIP phone. On Monday evening I got Nagios2 configured for all the machines it made sense to monitor.


DNS, DHCP, all looking spiffy. I still lack a good backups infrastructure, which really bit me Tuesday evening – oops. Must get this online…!

elizabeth@r2d2:~$ ping r2q5
PING r2q5.alderaan.princessleia.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from r2q5.alderaan.princessleia.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=8.02 ms


Simcoe helped with none of this.

Oh, and for those of you keeping up, I released the Debian package of LedgerSMB 1.2.14 on Alioth this evening along with a better README file (thanks for your help jadoba), so far tests well – have at it! The LedgerSMB folks are close to a 1.2.15 release with some big fixes, so if you’re interested in testing be sure to hop on over there and pitch in.