OK – a break from pretty photos of my trips for a moment – I have a sinus infection. I’ve never had one before, and I have to say it’s quite unpleasant, mostly due to the length of time it’s had me feeling miserable. Congestion, cough, headaches, exhaustion. I think this started with a cold I had a couple weeks ago that made me miss a couple days of work, it went very bad cold > mild allergies > sinus infection. Even worse, it’s the summer. My body wants to sit in cool, crisp, air-conditioned rooms, but my sinuses want warm and humid. The result? I obey my sinuses, because they give me a headache if I don’t obey. Yuck yuck. And I’m feeling a bit down because of all this, so I want to eat, but food either tastes like nothing or just tastes *weird*. Sigh.
I’ve been on antibiotics since Wednesday night, so hopefully I’ll start feeling better soon.